ARISE Alliance Institute

Get Started With Our Trainings

CMI Information Session

Our Free CMI™ Information Session covers Critical Memory Integration basics & learning paths.

CMI Trainings

Critical Memory Integration (CMI™) integrates critical memories to re-attune the nervous system & develop therapists' clinical skills for client attunement.

T3 Trainings

Trauma, Tips, & Tools (T3™) is a 6-hour course that teaches trauma knowledge, psychological first aid, and nervous system regulation tools.

Upcoming Trainings

View and register for upcoming CMI & T3 trainings.

We Are Dedicated to Advancing the Future of Mental Health Treatment

ARISE Alliance Institute is a focused, mission driven non-profit committed to improving the mental wellness of those living with mental health conditions by delivering access to the most effective and innovative therapeutic systems.

5 Fundamentals of
ARISE Alliance Institute

  • Advocate

  • Research

  • Innovate

  • Support

  • Educate

Accelerated Resolution Therapy PTSD


ARISE Alliance offers trainings for the general population and registered clinicians.

CMI Training

Critical Memory Integration (CMI™) is a process-driven experiential approach that develops the therapist's clinical skills and emotional availability for client attunement. CMI™ has developed a neuro-clinical system that utilizes therapist skills alongside client experience to locate and integrate critical memories. CMI™ deploys these capacities to integrate CORE aspects of the client's personal narrative with their broader self and re-attune the nervous system through the science of learning and memory reconsolidation.

T3 Training

Trauma Tips and Tools, or T3™, is a one-day (6-hour) course that teaches basic knowledge of trauma, concepts of psychological first aid, and practical tools for regulating the nervous system when stressed.

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